Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D 1×18 in 60 seconds (spoilers)

Coulson: “S.H.I.E.L.D lives! and I’m a badass.”

Talbot: “Not if my mustache has anything to say about that.”

Coulson: “Follow me, to the magic school bus! But only if we can bring Lola along. I’m a badass.”

May: “Give me your weapon, you psycho. I’m only doing what Fury told me to, you’re doing what you think Fury’s telling you to do. We don’t have the budget for another cameo anyway. And while on that, here’s a somewhat forced twist which will allow us to phase him out of this specific plot line.”

Coulson: “This thing can fly without you, and I don’t trust you anymore anyway. Why are you here again? I’m a bad-ass.”

Garret: “Muahahaha!”

Ward: “Muahahaha!”

Raina: “But you’re a deeper character than that.”

Ward: “There’s some potential for that. But for now: Muahahaha!”

(HYDRA takes over the fridge. Where are Spielberg and Lucas when you really need them to nuke something).

Fitz: “Jemma, I want things to stay the same between u-”

Simmons: “You’re cute, but, um, Triplet.”

Coulson-with-a-cold: “Why did I drag all of you here? And why is it always less than 40 minutes before I get un-badassed?”

The Team and Koenig: “Badges, Badges, Badges, Badges, Lanyard, Lanyard!”

Quinn: “I can’t believe I’m the surprising continuity twist in the final scene!”

Garret: “Think again. Muahahahaha!”


Rearranged from my comments in Hebrew here.

The episode itself wasn’t bad. A little too much dialogue, but also a reasonable amount of plot lines paying off.

I’ve mentioned before how Coulson’s uncertainty bugs me,  but this goes beyond a simple inconsistency and into the territory of an un-relatable lead. Sure, Angel had his fragile moments and Mal was sometimes a comic relief, but with Coulson it’s done way to often to be effective.

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